
2020年12月4日—AttachedismyCVforyourreference.•I'mattachingtheCVinthisemail.順帶一提,'Attachedpleasefind……'實在是太formal了 ...,2023年10月3日—Pleasefindattachedisacommonphraseusedinemailstoalerttherecipientthatanimportantdocumentisincluded,ensuringitdoesn'tgo ...,2017年3月19日—InaformalbusinesslettertheabbreviationAtt.:[nameofdocumentattached]isplacedontheleftsideattheendofthedocument.,2020年3...

【電郵收發】Attach與Enclose有何分別?「見附件」點表達?必 ...

2020年12月4日 — Attached is my CV for your reference. • I'm attaching the CV in this email. 順帶一提, 'Attached please find ……'實在是太formal了 ...

15 Professional Ways to say 'Please Find Attached' Via Email

2023年10月3日 — Please find attached is a common phrase used in emails to alert the recipient that an important document is included, ensuring it doesn't go ...

What's the grammar of "Attached" in this email?

2017年3月19日 — In a formal business letter the abbreviation Att.: [name of document attached] is placed on the left side at the end of the document.


2020年3月3日 — I'm writing an email, and I've the following doubt: To say that I'm sending a file alongside the email itself (there is a file attached to the ...

attached intowith?

2014年11月30日 — Hi, Rushes, Vik is correct concerning emails. But we attach something (physically) to something else by or with (the means of attaching it), eg, ...

"Attached with this Email" — Use THIS Instead

2023年3月25日 — One of the most common ways to let people know you've attached a file to an email is “please see attached.” To use this, just say “please see ...

attached to this email or attached in this email?

2024年3月15日 — attached in this email vs attached to this email. Both phrases are correct, but 'attached to this email' is more commonly used in English.


As per our previous conversation, I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. Attached herewith please find the revised ...

How To Write an Email With an Attachment (With Examples)

2023年8月16日 — An email attachment is a file that is attached to an email. Its purpose is usually to enhance the value or benefit that the email offers the ...